January 27th 2014, Launch of the National 3D-lipolite Weight Loss Programme at the Royal Society of Medicine

3D-lipolite launchThe 3D-lipolite program is a national weight loss and body contouring program that was developed by Dr Martyn King and Sharon King of Cosmedic Skin Clinic. It is a truly unique approach to weight loss, combining a bespoke diet and nutrition package with meal replacement supplements, technology assisted weight loss and body contouring using various treatments, a tailored exercise program for each patient and a holistic approach combining health and wellbeing. The results have been dramatic with many obese patients consistently losing a stone a month until they achieved their target weight and best of all, they found it easy as the 3D-lipolite practitioner was with them every step of the way.

Thomas’ Success Story

“This program has been a life changing experience for me! My appearance and weight- loss is only part of the overall benefit I have received. I now have more energy, confidence and feel more like my age.

The program has re educated me to eat healthily and I am now motivated to exercise which I could not have considered 3 1/2 months ago. Thanks to all involved in my 3D-lipolite program.”