As many of my patients will know, tear trough treatments are one of my most performed and satisfying treatments at Cosmedic Skin Clinic and I receive referrals from up and down the country. It is a not an area without risk and only skilled, experienced and advanced practitioners should be injecting in this area. Risks include lumps, bumps, Tyndall’s (a bluish hue visible within the skin), significant bruising and even blindness! For best results, longevity and safety I advocate the use of Redensity [II] produced by Teoxane. I do train on behalf of
several companies in products that I use myself and believe in the ethics of the company and provide independent training on behalf of Teoxane in the treatment of the tear trough area. I am passionate about training and ensuring that practitioners are appropriately trained and I have attached below the feedback from my latest training:
“We asked each delegate the following questions, of which the entire group responded ‘Strongly Agree’ for each question, which I’m sure you will agree is a brilliant result. If you would like the feedback in its raw form please do just ask.
- The training met my expectations
- I will be able to apply the skill/knowledge learned
- The content was organised and easy to follow
- The training was useful and relevant
- The trainer was knowledgeable
- The trainer was enthusiastic
- The quality of presentation was good and clear
- The trainer met my expectations
- Adequate time was provided for questions and discussion
Overall, the training session was graded Excellent by 100% delegates!
We also gathered the following direct feedback from some of the delegates, which I’m sure you will appreciate:
‘’Approachable and knowledgeable.’’
‘’Brilliant Trainer.’’
‘’Very approachable, explained everything.’’
‘’Trained in a very practical and simplified manor.’’
‘’Excellent training day.’’
Thank you from the Teoxane Team for your support and delivering such a successful workshop!”